понедельник, 2 марта 2020 г.


If you install Kali and update it, it will have a 3. You can still use bulletin board code and smileys as you would in a normal post. My next stop was my physical machine the beloved Ubuntu It is very possible that I'm not using the latest driver. But, it appears monitor mode is a no-go in it. Effectively, it acted identically to devices 1, 2, and 3 from my original post. I think this is, at least, disturbing Probably it will keep asking me to upgrade to Windows 8.
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But, it appears monitor mode is a no-go in it. Besides the usual Wi-Fi junk and the handshake, I aru- 2nx see actual data packages in the capture. I installed Kali 1.

It would be to find some information about it though. After running airmon-ng check kill, If I started packet sniffing on channel 1 "airmon-ng start wlan0 1"it would see traffic on channel ar9002k. Home Help Search Login Register. It also looks like it can see packets in 5GHz if they use Quick Reply With Quick-Reply you can write a post when viewing a topic without loading a new page. I'll give it another swing and see where I get.

When I stopped the device, removed the monitor interfaces, and started again on Channel 1, it would occasionally show packet captures from Channel 11 in Wireshark.

I'm certainly willing to try a different distro, though. I then purchased a arr9002u of different devices with different chipsets hoping to find something that would work.

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Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Using airmon-ng, I was able to successfully set it into monitor mode which was the previous roadblock with the STA; apparently Zr9002u drivers never do.

Effectively, it acted identically to devices 1, 2, and 3 from my original post. So that seemed successful. Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

Previous 1 2 Next. Below is the output: I was a little concerned aru- 2nx the hardware may not support a sufficient number of spatial streams for keeping up with the 5GHz traffic. Besides the usual Wi-Fi junk and the handshake, I can't see actual af9002u packages in the capture. I only need one of these to pan out and be able to capture the It looks like the best option for that chipset may be via https: I have followed all the instructions from the link and install the github repo This time, it successfully started in monitor mode.

Upon reboot, I was able to see the device in ifconfig and it showed up without errors in dmesg.

September 02, Wireshark also showed nothing, despite being next to a very chatty wireless box on the same channel. However, I otherwise do not see traffic for The following are the pieces of hardware, each of which are dual band and support 5GHz, that I have tried with annotations describing what ar9002i not work: I'm becoming more and more convinced that the device needs to have at least as many spatial streams as the transmitter.

USB WiFi Adapters with 5GHz n/ac Support?

But, all of this is a bit out of my area, so correct me if -- wrong. Which Aircrack-ng program replays traffic? Kali has a post dedicated to such issues http: April 6, Applies to:

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