пятница, 6 марта 2020 г.


He reports that it works with a marble! Apparently Fellowes gets 3G to produce them with the Fellowes' branding or else Fellowes was bought out. An identical looking inexpensive device made by BTX got rave reviews for comfort among users along with complaints about its short lifespan. The bottom ridges would probably orient a trained user by touch. I thought Fellowes introduced the Finger Mouse years ago for specialized uses, but a search on the production numbers brings up 3G Green Green Globe Co. His transcription of the production numbers on the mouse helped reveal 3G's claim of the patent for the gadget.
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An identical looking inexpensive device made by BTX got rave reviews for comfort among fellowez along with complaints about its short lifespan. I thought Fellowes introduced the Finger Mouse years ago for specialized uses, but a search on the production numbers brings up 3G Green Green Globe Co. I pointed at mousee slider for the control panel Mouse Properties and held the trigger, then precariously slid the indicator by rolling the ball with my thumb.

The right button brings up a context menu, just like typical mouse right buttons. Fellowes MicroTrac finger mouse missing its ball and retainer ring.

Otherwise it is conveniently shaped with tactile ridges on the sides and bottom contrasting with the smooth contours and slick ball. The left button, in contrast, sets the stage for scrolling so that rotating the green trackball with the thumb moves a Web page in the desired direction.

The company's website displays similar models in transparent colored versions while an annoying music loop devoid fellowss an embedded off switch felllowes upon the visitor. By the way, Bud Barber in Colorado acquired a similar black on silver Fellowes MicroTrac mouse in good shape except that it is missing the ball or retaining ring. His transcription of the production numbers on the mouse helped reveal 3G's claim of the patent for the gadget.

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mouee The five foot USB cable would make this pointing device handy for Web movie viewing while gliding on an elliptial machine. You can sort of keep it on your finger while typing, which might be better than putting it down and picking it up in between keyboarding. Hands which cannot use a desktop mouse [think repetitive motion injury] and hands distant from the desktop ought to find this an easy to operate alternative.

Maybe less coffee would have helped as much. The ring finger clicks the trigger like left button function on a desktop oriented mouse.

Apparently Fellowes gets 3G to produce them with the Fellowes' branding or else Fellowes was bought out. Reader comment - " Or where lack of space is a problem.

Trackballs ~ o l d m o u s e .c o m ~

Cut and paste seemed impossible, but this Off-Table Hand Track is awkward for coordinating with the keyboard anyway. The buttons are probably programmable, fellowew my mouse came as a recycled gift without software.

The dexterous thumb rolls the ball and clicks the top buttons. The biggest thing on this mouse is lint For my untrained thumb, a slower cursor motion than for a mouse works better, right in the middle. He reports that it works with a marble!


The knob on the bottom provides a comfortable anchor for the ring and little fingers to hold. A presenter might use it from fellowed podium more easily than a remote control.

Stabilizing the mouse with my free hand helped a lot. When Tnumb picked up the little round device from my lap without looking, however, my fingers mistook the knob for the ball so that I was trying to operate it upside down. The bottom ridges would probably orient a trained user by touch.

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